William M. Denevan Collection, 1957

San Carlos store San Carlos store, Río San Juan
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San Carlos from Rio San Juan San Carlos from Río San Juan
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Rio San Juan Raft of logs, Río San Juan
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Greytown Greytown street (note, not fully abandoned)
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Greytown Greytown abandoned
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Greytown Greytown houses
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Greytown Greytown house
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Greytown pine The southernmost American pine in the northern hemisphere, Greytown
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Greytown Greytown church
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Greytown William Denevan in front of abandoned church, Greytown
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El Cocal houses El Cocal houses, SE Nicaragua
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El Cocal beach El Cocal beach, SE Nicaragua
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El Cocal Rio Indio Río Indio, SE Nicaragua
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El Cocal WMD Bill Denevan with Harry Brautigam as a young boy on Río Indio, El Cocal, SE Nicaragua
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BF-003 Bluefields
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BF church Bluefields church
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BF house Bluefields house
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BF wingwang Wing Wang Co., Bluefields
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Making the Rama Road

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Rama Rd. Rama Road
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Rama Rd Lady with picture of Jesus, Rama Road
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For information about the photos or the content of this tour, contact Karl Offen.

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